The Mochi Blog is here

Welcome to my mochi blog. We are starting on a new adventure, a mochi making adventure. I taught myself how to make mochi during lockdown and have taken the leap into making it into a small business. We love food, especially food from the Far East, and in particular mochi! We are passionate about making a little known delicious dessert/treat available for the community to try and to love. I really love making these and seeing peoples’ reactions when they try them for the first time. There is often a lot of curiosity, slight apprehension, and then ‘mmm… I wasn’t expecting that, can I try another?’

We are coming up with new flavours and experimenting all the time. We are really proud of what we created so far and would love for you to try some.

We care very much about sustainability and the environment, so we are not using any plastic in our packaging.


Experimenting with flavours